This is a video reflection of my educational influences from EDEF 3100.

This video highlights how my position at Beyond the Bell has influenced me in my journey towards becoming an educator. I began my position as a program leader at Beyond the Bell in 2017. As I continue to learn and grow as a teacher candidate in the elementary education program at TRU, I am recognizing more and more ways in which this opportunity has impacted me.  This experience opened my eyes to some of the challenges that teachers face when designing and delivering their teaching. I became increasingly aware of the importance of offering students equitable learning opportunities. In this experience I was made aware that a students grade does not necessarily indicate where they are in their learning journey. I quickly realized that each student has unique needs and that it is my responsibility to learn how to best support them. Beyond this, I learnt that what a student needs from their teacher varies and is impacted by more than what happens within the walls of the school. When reflecting on this experience from my current perspective, I realize how important collaboration and cooperation were in the process of supporting the students. As a program leader, I would work with teachers and support staff at the school in order to provide cohesive support to each of the students.